Terms of service

Domain name: https://Shopnowco.com


This website is owned and operated by Shopnowco.  By accessing and using the https: //Shopnowco.com website (the "Website"), you agree to be legally bound by these terms and conditions.  The terms "you" and "user" refer to everyone who enters the site.  When you browse the website and Shopnowco pages, you can access other websites that are subject to different terms of use.  When you use these sites, you will be legally bound by the specific terms of use posted on such sites.  If there is a conflict between these terms and the other terms and conditions, the other terms and conditions will govern the use of such sites.  Shopnowco may change these terms and conditions at any time without notice. Changes will be posted on the website under "Terms".  Your use of the Website after any changes have been posted will constitute your consent to the changed terms and conditions and all changes.  Therefore, you should read these terms and conditions from time to time for changes.




Shopnowco hereby grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to access and use the Website for the fees, if applicable, and under the terms set forth below.  The Website and the Content, including, but not limited to, text, data, reports, opinions, images, images, graphics, graphs, charts, animations and video (the "Content") displayed on the Website may be used only for personal and non-commercial use.  Unless otherwise permitted under these terms and conditions, you agree not to copy, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from or store any content, in whole or in part, from the Website or to display, perform, publish, distribute, transmit, broadcast or circulate content to anyone, or for commercial purposes, without the express prior approval of Shopnowco. This content is the exclusive property of Shopnowco or its licensors, and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.  All trademarks, trademarks, service marks and other product and service names and logos on the Website and in the Content belong to their respective owners and are protected by applicable trademark and copyright laws.  Any of the trademarks, service marks or logos (collectively, the "Marks") displayed on the Website may be registered or unregistered marks of Shopnowco or others.  Nothing on this site shall be construed as granting any license or right to use any of the marks displayed on the site without the express written permission of Shopnowco or a third party owner of such marks. Any unauthorized use of the marks or other content is strictly prohibited.  To request permission to use content or other Shopnowco material, please contact Shopnowco at help.Info@Shopnowco.com. You may not use the Site for any illegal purpose.  You must respect all reasonable requests from the Website to protect Shopnowco's real estate interests on the Website.




As part of the registration process, you must choose a username and password and provide the site with accurate, complete and up-to-date information.  Failure to do so constitutes a breach of this Agreement, which may result in immediate termination of your access.




You are fully responsible for activities performed by you in connection with your browsing and use of the website.  If you are dissatisfied with the content or the website or with these terms of use, your only and exclusive remedy is to stop using the content and the website.  The website will not pay you any damages in connection with your browsing or use of the web Due to the number of sources the content is taken from and the potential dangers of electronic distribution, there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in such content and the website.  THE CONTENT AND SITE ARE PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  Neither the site nor shopnowco provides any warranties or guarantees regarding accuracy, completeness, current or applicable or results to be accessed, accessing and using the site, the website's own content, the other content, or any materials that can access (via a direct OR INDIRECT HYPERLINKS OR OTHERS) THROUGH THE WEBSITE.  THE SITE DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE.  NEVER THE SITE OR SHOPNOWNCO SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE USER OR ANY OTHER FOR ANY INACCURACY, DELAY, INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE, ERROR OR FAILURE, FOR ANY REQUIREMENT, OR FOR ANY EVENT, OR FOR ANY EVENT. Under no circumstances will the site, shopnowco or any of their third party licensives be responsible for some direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, including, but not limited to, lost time, lost money, or lost profits tort, strict responsibility or other,  and about such DAMAGES ARE PROVIDED OR UNEXPOSED WITH REGARD TO ANY USE OF THE SITE.  NEITHER THE SITE OR ANY OF ITS ASSOCIATED COMPANIES, AGENTS OR LICENSORS SHALL BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY OTHER FOR LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THE SITE, ANY PART, OR ANYWHERE. COLLECTION, INTERPRETATION, REPORTING OR DELIVERY OF THE SITE AND ANY CONTENT ON THE SITE OR OTHER. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL THE SITE, ITS ASSOCIATED COMPANIES, AGENTS OR LICENSORS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY DECISION MAKED OR ACTION TAKEN BY YOU IN ANYTHING.




You can, through hypertext or other computer links, access websites operated by persons other than the website. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only, and are the exclusive responsibility of the owners of such websites.  You agree that the website is not responsible for the content or operation of such websites, and that the website shall have no responsibility to you or any other person or entity for the use of third party websites.  Except as described below, a hyperlink from this website to another website does not imply or imply that the website supports the content of that website or the operator or operation of that website. You are solely responsible for determining the extent to which you may use any content on other sites you link to from the site.




The user grants Shopnowco the non-exclusive right to use all material posted on the website by the user (other than third-party material transmitted via private electronic mail) in any of Shopnowco's printed or electronic publications ("Other Content").  Users who post material on the site are responsible for the other content.  Neither the Website nor Shopnowco has any responsibility for other content, including the content of messages or information posted by users or others, or for the content of information available via direct or indirect hyperlinks from the Website. However, the Website retains the right, which it may or may not exercise in its sole discretion, to review, edit or delete any other content that the Website considers to be illegal, offensive or otherwise inappropriate.  You may not post or distribute any material through the Website that is promotional, including solicitation of funds or business, without the prior written consent of the Website.  The User agrees to indemnify the Website and Shopnowco for all damages, liability, costs, fees and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, which the Website, Shopnowco, their affiliates, employees and authorized representatives may incur as a result of either: (i) the User's breach of this Agreement; or (ii) material posted on the Website using the user's screen name or password.  The user agrees to hold the site and Shopnowco indemnified for all damages, liability, costs, fees and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, which the site, Shopnowco, their affiliates, employees and authorized representatives may incur as a result of either: (i) the user's breach of this Agreement;  or (ii) material posted on the Website using the user's screen name or password. The User agrees to indemnify the Website and Shopnowco for all damages, liability, costs, fees and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, which the Website, Shopnowco, their affiliates, employees and authorized representatives may incur as a result of either: (i) the User's breach of this Agreement;  or (ii) material posted on the Website using the user's screen name or password.




All information, reports, content and access rights purchased on the Website are non-refundable.  We as a dealer shall not be held liable for any loss or damage that directly or indirectly arises as a result of refusal of authorization for a transaction, due to the cardholder having exceeded the preset limit mutually agreed by us with our acquiring bank from time to time.  Ordering after treatment can not be canceled.




This agreement will continue until terminated by either you or you.  Either party may terminate the Agreement by notifying the other party by telephone or electronic mail of the decision to terminate.  Shopnowco may cancel or change the Website or its availability to you at any time.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties linked to the Website and supersedes all other agreements, oral or written, with respect to the Website.  Failure by the Website, to insist on strict compliance with any terms of this Agreement, shall not be construed as a waiver with respect to subsequent non-compliance with such terms or provisions.  This agreement is personal to you and you can not transfer your rights or obligations to anyone. If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law,  the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.  This Agreement, your rights and obligations, and all actions envisaged in this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of India and subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Bangalore, as if the agreement were a contract entered into and performed in Bangalore, and any litigation. linked to this agreement shall be brought exclusively to the courts of Bangalore.  All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.  and any litigation relating to this Agreement shall be brought exclusively before the courts of Bangalore.  All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. and any litigation relating to this Agreement shall be brought exclusively before the courts of Bangalore.  All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.




You expressly agree not to use this website in any way or for any purpose that is prohibited under these terms and conditions.  In addition, you expressly agree not to: (1) use the Website for any purpose that is prohibited by any law or regulation, or to facilitate violations of any law or regulation;  (2) use or attempt to use a "deep link", "scraper", "robot", "bot", "spider", "data mining", "computer code" or other automated device, program, tool, algorithm, process or methodology or manual process that has similar processes or functionality, to access, acquire, copy or monitor any part of the Website or data or content found on or accessed through the Website without the prior written consent of the Website; (3) obtain or attempt to obtain in any way material or information on the Website that has not been intentionally made publicly available either by public display on the Website or through their availability via a visible link on the Website;  (4) in any way circumvent or circumvent any other measures used to restrict or prevent access to the Site or its content;  (5) violate the security of the Website or attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Website, data, materials, information, computer systems or networks connected to a server connected to this Website, through hacking, password extraction or other means;  (6) disrupt or attempt to disrupt the operation of the Website or activities performed on or through the Website, including access to data, content or other information before the time it is intended to be available to the public on the site;  (7) take or attempt any action which, in the sole discretion of the operators of this website, imposes or may impose an unreasonable or disproportionate burden or burden on the website or such operating infrastructure.